●Isolate All Vibrations: Isolates vibrations in all six rotational and translational modes of vibration.
●Industry Leading Low-Frequency Isolation: Active isolation from 1 to 200 Hz (0.5 – 200 Hz with the LFS System); passive isolation beyond 200 Hz.
●Active >Passive: No low frequency resonance means much better performance between 0 – 5 Hz than a passive system.
●Maximum Stiffness & Stability: 500 times stiffer than a passive system, which imparts excellent directional and positional stability.
●Scalable to Any Instrument Size: Module style allows system to adapt to specific sizes and loads, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
●Seamless Installation and Use: Low profile design allows the AVI Series to be installed without the need of lifting equipment.
Case Studies


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